Black History of Ontario at Bradley Museum
The Museums of Mississauga invite visitors to learn about the Black History of Ontario in a new tour at Bradley Museum. This tour explores the Black experience in Upper Canada in the 19th Century and local connections to Enslavement and the Underground Railway. Walk through the 1830’s Bradley House in a fully guided tour using artifacts, images, maps and interactive activities engaging visitors of all ages in Ontario’s Black History.
Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.
*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.
Bradley Museum1620 Orr Rd
Mississauga, ON, 4T2L5JCanada
See map: Google Maps
905-615-4311Contact name:
General Information
Email address:
Times vary, reserve a spot.
All Ages Adults & kids togetherWeb Service